If you follow things I write, you may have noticed that I...stopped writing on this blog. One of the last things I posted was that first-year-teacher graph. It seemed that I hit that slump pretty hard, and I was also met with a whirlwind of paperwork and deadlines...I know what this sounds like--excuuuuuses! Indeed. So. Reboot, refresh, a new year, here we go!
What's New:
- My schedule for one!
Instead of three block classes, I have five 57-minutes classes. I fell into a rhythm pretty quickly, it's working so far :) Also, instead of one awesome co-teacher, I have two! Any other brains in the classroom is such a great way to always be professionally learning.
- My room!
Several things are similar to last year; however, on the far left you see a map. I'm putting pictures of what we read, and then
attaching a thread and pinning where the story takes place on the map. |
This may look like a weird picture, but these are my
class name cards. I tried making this confidential by starring faces.
I'm all gung-ho on being SUPER organized
this year. I have each hour color-coded, and files, rosters,
seating charts-you name it- follows suit. |
A dry-erase calendar to help, again, with that organization goal. |
OMG NEW PHONE! And this one is at my desk, so I
don't have to rely on my students to answer the phone properly.
I use this so often that I think people now roll their eyes when
they see it's me who is calling. |
Life is peachy.
Finally, what I am/was reading:
Also! I forgot--I have this super fantastic class website that materialized last year after being inspired by a speaker at the WSRA about incorporating technology into the classroom.