
Saturday, August 30, 2014

Almost time for schooooooooool :)

What I'm Doing:
I've been able to cross several things off of my to-do list yesterday! These things included, but weren't limited to:
-Emergency substitute plans
-Alternative work for the Reflect and Refocus Room (...the detention room...)
-Collect resources for classroom library
-Label some boards in my room
-Establish a handout/supplies system
-Compile all student information (IEPs/OHIs/504/ILL)

Even when I'm being productive and focused, I somehow squeeze in random tasks.  I wanted to cover the brittle and peeling masking tape labeled with several different room numbers fading away from years of sharing amongst teachers.  Also, I put up some pictures from Africa behind my desk.  

To encourage students not to fear making mistakes, I put up a board
pointing out the great things that have come from mistakes :)

I added a title

What I'm Reading: The Brave

I'm about halfway through this book, and it's quite interesting.  It toggles between the story of a young boy growing up and suddenly learning who he really is, and his actress mother and her story.  From time to time, we get some insight into the mother's new boyfriend-- which in Tommy's eyes, is just as good as a real cowboy.  Also, we flash forward to Tommy in his 50's and the present-day issues he's facing as well.  It's quite a ride in time and bouncing between different people's heads.  I feel like I'm at a tipping point in the book, where everything is just about to fall apart.  There was a bit of a giveaway in the beginning that things are about to go terribly wrong. 

School starts on Tuesday--if I'm ready or not, they're a-comin!

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