
Thursday, September 18, 2014

...and the results are in....

I gave out a test today, but it was me that was getting graded, not my students.  Here were my questions:

My teacher ALWAYS displays the HAWK Pride expectations.  She is always...
a.  Ready  (Y/N)
b.  Responsible  (Y/N)
c. Respectful  (Y/N)

2. Expectations for classroom behavior are ALWAYS clear (Y/N)

3. Expectations for classroom behavior are SOMETIMES clear (Y/N)

4. I feel comfortable coming to Ms. M with a school-related question (Y/N)

5. I feel comfortable coming to Ms. M with a non-school-related question (Y/N)

6.  Ms. M handles arguments/ problems
     a. ...promptly  (Y/N)
     b. ...thoroughly (Y/N)
     c. ...fairly  (Y/N)
7.  The classroom work environment during a given task is always orderly (Y/N)


Of the 74 anonymous surveys I received completed, from across three block classes:

*19 (25%) are not comfortable coming to me with a personal problem (understandable).

*6  (8%) believe that classroom behavioral expectations are not always clear

*7 (9%) believe that Ms. M needs to improve her readiness (with supplies/assignments?)

*8 (10%) believe that the classroom working environment could be more orderly-run

For all other items, it was 99% "Yes, Ms. M is...." respectful, responsible, etc.

Specific written-out suggestions:  

"The classroom is not always orderly."

"Kids are loud/talk while the teacher is talking."

"You're always picking on the same people." (This one is really evident to me and I'm going to actively work to not do this)

"I need silence to work!"

"Explain assignments thoroughly."

"Remember where she puts her stuff." 

And positive feedback (or butt-kissing, not sure? :P )

"You are my favorite teacher I am always looking forward to your class, you're the perfect teacher!"

"You're so amazingly awesome!"

"Keep up the great work!"

"Just always be yourself! =)"

"Just be yourself."

"Keep up the good work!"

"Be more awesome than you already are (though you already are)"

"Keep being who you are!"

"This class rocks!"

-      -       -

I want to give this same customer-satisfaction-survey around three months in, then six months in, and so on and so forth, and see how things evolve.  At three weeks in, things aren't full force yet :)

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