
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Highlights from my week (and it's only Tuesday)

#1 The time a student challenged me

This may sound straight out of a pedagogy book, but seriously.  I had asked a question for the class to discuss in pairs about how we knew a certain character was dynamic.  Two boys, who for some reason in my mind I consider not to ever be completely engaged, turned to each other and instantly agreed that this character was actually a static character, and went on to discuss the textual evidence that supported their claim.  Boom.  Taught. 

#2 When a student enjoyed reading for the first a long time...

This group overall is awesome when it comes to reading.  They were all psyched to go to the library, and every class requested independent reading time upon their return :)  I know you're jealous already and wish you had my awesome students but you can't, they're all mine.  One girl had stated in her introductory "Describing Me" survey that she did not enjoy reading really, as her mom also stated in our parent homework assignment, having them describe their kiddo in "A Million Words or Less."  At some point in my ramblings in front of the class, I mentioned the Choose Your Own Adventure series.  This student asked me in the library to help her find these gems.  Since our visit to the library, I've seen her actively reading.  When discussing an assignment with me, a friend sitting behind her asked what she was reading, and said, "Oooh, I want to read that too!"  I forsee the Choose Your Own Adventure books to soon be missing from the library. 

#3 The time a student was excited to work in my classroom

In my first hour, I co-teach with an awesome ELL teacher.  We decided to split the class to do a writing activity.  When the remaining students were left behind to stay with me, one student said, "Yes!  We get to stay with you."  Now, I guarantee that if this student were chosen to go with my co-teacher, he'd still be excited, but the fact that he expressed his joy out loud still became a highlight of my week.  So far.  

#4 The time six or seven students, that never talk in class, were all eager to share their ideas.

I always try to get kids to share, comfortably-so.  I give chances for them to share their ideas and writing in small groups and pairs, instead of putting them on the spot in front of 27 of their peers.  When my co-teacher and I broke off into two groups, the half of the class I was with was eager to share and chattier (in a good way) than they have been for the past two weeks.  I learned more in 15 minutes about some of my students than I have yet this school year. 

#5 Just the fact that I wake up every morning looking forward to going to work.  It's a great feeling.  

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