
Monday, September 22, 2014

Another fabulous day

It can be easy to be negative as a teacher.  Kids can be bothersome.  You have another district-mandated bunch of paperwork to deal with.  A parent is sending you long-winded e-mails.  You name it.  

Luckily, I'm inundated with so many things that make me smile throughout the day, I don't even have the time to think negatively :)  

If you're a teacher reading this, firstly--thank you.  Secondly--I know you want to slap me.  Don't think I don't groan at the idea of going to another meeting about an acronym that I barely remember (PPG, SLO or PDP?  E3?  Wait...)  I'm on your level.  I just like to celebrate the happy. 

Things that happened today that made me smile:

1.  Students did their weekend homework, which was to find ANY word that they found fascinating, and decorate it, define it and use it in a sentence.  Some of my favorites that were brought in:
   - neurotransmitter
   - convoluted
   - pluvial
   - animatronic 
   - autotonsorialist (a person who cuts his/her own hair)
  - ADHD (displayed with diagrams of an ADHD brain and non-ADHD brain)

2. A girl confided in me today with a very important secret.  I felt very trusted.  Almost motherly.  Maybe cool-younger-aunt-esque?  Yeah. 

3. I got to hand out half of the envelopes for our future dance/cheer team :)  It was great hearing the squeals of delight.  (I then later found out I was supposed to have them wait until they got home...whoopsie)

4.  My co-workers rock. :D

Radishes and pumpkins and beans

The garden is growing....

I have to take a picture of my door with all of the awesome
words on it :)

1 comment:

  1. great, The oldest tree in the world,
